Vital Records of Massachusetts - Groton

Massachusetts: Vital Records, 1620-1850 (Online Database:, New England Historic Genealogical Society, 2001-2016) > Groton


Deaths: 2: 223

Bredget, w. Lt. Ezekiel, Aug. 9, 1800, a. 53 y. G. R. 2

Ezekiel, Lt., July 7, 1806, a. 65 y. G. R. 2


Deaths: 2: 227–8

Benj[ami]n, Jan. 23, 1776 G.R.2


Births: 1:115

Shebuill, s. Shebuill and Marthaw, Sept. 29, 1715

Marriages: 2:88

Shebul [Hobart. C.R.1], jr. and Esther Parker, [Jun]ne 7, 1739

Shubael, of Hollis, N. H., and Prudence Parker, wid., at Hollis, N. H., July 28, 1790. P. R. 146.


Births: 1:135–43

Abigail, d. John, sr., Jan. 9, 1665. CT. R.

Abigail, d. Peleg and Elizab[eth], Oct. 6, 1681. CT. R.

David, s. Elizer and Mary, Dec. 26, 1705

Eleazer, s. Peleg and Elizab[eth], Feb. 28, 1674. CT. R.

Elizabeth, d. Eliazer and Mary, Feb. 28, 1699.

Exparance, d. Elezer and Mary, June 22, 1719

Jeremiah, s. Peleg and Elizabeth, Jan. 3, [16]86-7. CT. R.

Jonath[an], s. Peleg and Elizab[eth], Mar. 29, 1679. CT. R.

Jonathan, s. Elezer and Mary, Oct. 4, 1703

Joseph, s. Peleg and Elizabeth, June 12, 1688. CT. R.

Peleg, s. Eliazer and Mary, June 1, 1701.

Sam[ue]l, s. Peleg and Elizab[eth], Oct. 16, 1671. CT. R.

Samuill, s. Elezer and Mary, May 22, 1714

Marriages: 2: 105–6

Eleaz[e]r, [Lawrence, C. R. 1.] jr., and Lucy Tuttel [Tuttle, C. R. 1.], both of Littleton, June 25, 1731

Sarah [Lawrence. C. R. 1.], of Littleton, and John Comings [Cummings. C. R. 1.], Jan. 28, 1735-6

Deaths: 2: 239–42

Elizabeth, w. John, Aug. 29, 1663. CT. R.

Enosh, Sept. 25 [bet. 1725 and 1729.], a. abt. 74 y.

Jeremiah, s. Peleg, Apr. 26, [16]87. CT. R.

Jona[than]. sr., July 11, 1667. CT. R.

Rebeckah, w. [Lt. G. R. 2.] Jonathan, 5th, Feb 16, 1724. [a. abt. 74 y. G. R. 2.]


Births: 1:212–3

Mary, d. Sam[ue]l and Elizab[eth], Feb. 7, 1680. CT. R.